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post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Bild5110

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post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Bild5110

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» Hotelbriefe
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» Abstimmung über das Thema des Bilderwettbewerbes im Juni 2024
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» Fröhliche Pfingsten
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» Österreichische Briefmarken im III. Reich
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 Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient

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post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Empty
BeitragThema: Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient   post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient EmptyDi Dez 29, 2020 1:00 pm

post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient 10_mac11
post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient 10_mac10

10 - MACAU - As ruinas da antiga igreja de Sao Paulo (The ruins of the old St. Paul's Church. No data of any kind on reverse.
This perhaps Macao's most famous landmark. Visited and photographed by all visitors, except those that only visit the former colony for gambling purposes. The clothes worn by the mostly Chinese visitors suggest that this scene dates from the 1930s or 40s.

post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Barrie11
post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Barrie10

Barrier Gate Macau. Printed using Agfa. Panorama dating from 1930-50s. Barrier gate was inaugurated in August 1849 and is the portal between Macao and China. Of course this scenery is now quite different:

Barrier Gate today
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post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Empty
BeitragThema: Back to St. Paul's and the GPO to post these PPCs. Photos by Yat Cheung Lung   post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient EmptySa Jan 02, 2021 9:44 am

post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient The_ru14
post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient The_ru15

The Ruins of St Paul's. Plus same text in Chinese and Japanese script. No. 117 Photo by Yat Cheung Lung. Distributed by The Hor Tai Book Shop (Macao) Tel. 5504 at a cost of MOP 1.50. No further information can be found on the web about this establishment.

Another view of arguably Macao's most famous monument. Photo probably made at the hottest time of the day during one of Macao's hot summers sometime in the 1970s. One of "old" Macao's famous Macao's yellow & black box taxis is visible on the left of the card. The card is unused.

The text at the bottom from scripture and inserted with an error: "The Lord is shall preserve thy going out and thy Coming in from time forth, and even for evermore" which should actually read as copied out from the King James Bible website:

Psalms 121:8

“The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”

King James Version (KJV)

post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Post_o12
post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Post_o13

(General) Post Office. Plus same text in Chinese and Japanese script. No. 312 Photo by Yat Cheung Lung. Distributed by The Hor Tai Book Shop (Macao) Tel. 5504 at a cost of MOP 1.50. No further information can be found on the web about this establishment.

This Post Office is located at the intersection of Senado Square and Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro in Sé, Macau, China. The current building was built in 1929.(source Wikipedia)

same religious text on reverse

Zuletzt von IndoStocks am Sa Jan 02, 2021 1:41 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Empty
BeitragThema: Two different coastal scenes   post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient EmptySa Jan 02, 2021 10:49 am

post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient The_go12
post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient The_go13

The Governor's Mansions. Plus same text in Chinese and Japanese script. No. 105 Photo by Yat Cheung Lung. Distributed by The Hor Tai Book Shop (Macao) Tel. 5504 at a cost of MOP 1.50. No further information can be found on the web about this establishment.

Formerly the official residence of the local governor also known as Santa Sancha, who was appointed by the Portuguese authorities. Built and completed in 1846 by local architect. Now used as a state guest house.

The text at the bottom from scripture and inserted with an error: "The Lord is shall preserve thy going out and thy Coming in from time forth, and even for evermore" which should actually read as copied out from the King James Bible website:

Psalms 121:8

“The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”

King James Version (KJV)

post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Praia_13
post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Praia_14

A Panoramic view of Macau Showing "Praia Grande" The hight (sic) House "Guia" built in 1864. No. 110 Photo by Yat Cheung Lung. Distributed by The Hor Tai Book Shop (Macao) Tel. 5504 at a cost of MOP 1.50. No further information can be found on the web about this establishment.

Still an image of Macau as a sleepy Portuguese port city albeit with a few modern buildings. Scene is vary different today with many high rise casino buildings and other developments. "Guia" lighthouse has featured on many Macanese banknotes including modern 10 Patacas denominations.

same religious text on reverse

Zuletzt von IndoStocks am Sa Jan 02, 2021 1:41 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Empty
BeitragThema: What a wonderful bridge! Day and night   post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient EmptySa Jan 02, 2021 1:40 pm

post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Macau-16
post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Macau-17

Macau-Taipa Bridge. Plus same text in Chinese and Japanese script. H. T. 13 Photo by Chi-Woon Kong. Distributed by The Hor Tai Book Shop (Macao) Tel. 5504 at a cost of MOP 1.50. No further information can be found on the web about this establishment.

Daytime photo. This bridge was built over five years before being opened in October 1974. It had a total length of just over 2.5 km and the initial toll was 5 Patacas for private cars payable on the Taipa entrance only. Since 2007 only public transport is allowed to use the bridge as the continuous landfill activities in Macau interior harbor make this route unnecessary for private transport.

Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos de Macau, S.A.. (TCM) yellow double-decker bus plying the Macao-Taipa-Coloanne route. Originally the above company ran the ferry route  but then was monopoly operator of the bus route linking the islands with the mainland peninsula.

post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Moeda-10

A silver coin was used to commemorate this event in 1975 with a mintage of 1,010,000 pieces which was actually used in circulation at the time. The original official name of the bridge was Governor Nobre de Carvalho Bridge. Governor at the time when the bridge was being built.

same religious text on reverse as on previous The Hor Tai Bookshop postcards.

post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Macau-18
post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Macau-19

Night photo. Macau-Taipa Bridge. Plus same text in Chinese and Japanese script. H. T. 13 Photo by Chi-Woon Kong. Distributed by The Hor Tai Book Shop (Macao) Tel. 5504 at a cost of MOP 1.50. No further information can be found on the web about this establishment.

View from Taipa. Hotel Lisboa is the well lit building on the left hand side. This used to be Macao's premier gambling establishment.

same religious text on reverse
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post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient   post - Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient Empty

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Macao (Macau) pearl of the orient

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